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Product Code : 001 170 030002 00 00

Apater - Socket (British Type)

Short Product Description ● It protects your computer and other electrical/electronic tools from effects caused by surges and thunderbolts in main electricity.
● It provides protection for sensitive electical/electronic tools.
● Energy Protection Function: It cuts connexion when there is overdraw current in the circuit breaker and protects sensitive electronic tools.
● Child Protection Socket: It does not allow them to put little fingers in the socket and protects your most valuable ones.
● Overload Protection: It cuts the connexion with circiut breaker and protects sensitive electronic tools.
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  • Features
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    500 Pieces

    ● It protects your computer and other electrical/electronic tools from effects caused by surges and thunderbolts in main electricity.
    ● It provides protection for sensitive electical/electronic tools.
    ● Energy Protection Function: It cuts connexion when there is overdraw current in the circuit breaker and protects sensitive electronic tools.
    ● Child Protection Socket: It does not allow them to put little fingers in the socket and protects your most valuable ones.
    ● Overload Protection: It cuts the connexion with circiut breaker and protects sensitive electronic tools.
    Weight (Kg)
    Volume (m3)
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