Useful Sockets You Can Choose At Home Or In The Office

Useful Sockets You Can Choose At Home Or In The Office

27 October 2022

Sockets, which are the most basic part of our daily lives and keep up with the developing technology, change the atmosphere of the environment with their elegance both at home and in the office. We have compiled for you the sockets and usage areas that appeal to every style and have many varieties!

What Are The Sockets You Can Choose At Home Or In The Office?

Most types of sockets are quite suitable for use both at home and in the office. But some varieties are suitable for use only for home or only for office.

Socket Types

Energy Saver

This type of socket, which is usually used in large offices or hotel rooms, is used to prevent outdoor forgotten lighting and air conditioners from working in vain. The energy saver, which works with a key fob or card, cuts off the electrical current if you remove the key fob or card from the slot. Such sockets are not suitable for use in homes.

USB Sockets

USB sockets, which are frequently used in homes and offices today, allow you to connect phones, tablets, and other electrical appliances that charge via USB directly to the outlet without the need for adapters. For more detailed information about USB sockets, you can take a look at our article 'Modern Touches: USB Charging Sockets'.

HDMI Sockets

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HDMI is defined as the most commonly used HD signal to transfer audio and visual content from one device to another. HDMI ports are the foundation for televisions, laptops, and more. HDMI sockets are well suited for both home and office use. Moreover, there are many options that you can choose according to the style of your home or office!

VGA Sockets

VGA inputs help you project an image from a computer or other monitor onto another display. Thanks to the VGA sockets frequently used in offices, hospitals, and schools, you can start using the VGA cable by plugging it into the outlet without the need for extra cables.

Fiber Optic Socket

These sockets, which are used to connect fiber cables to the building, help to connect to the fiber optic network at the home, office, or hospital.

Rj45 Data Socket

It is a preferred socket type for data connections both at home and in offices. It provides a secure connection between the cable and the device, as well as helps to keep the resulting connection strong. It provides comfortable use for internet cables.